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Managing Jet Lag


Managing Jet Lag

Jet lag is a common, temporary sleep disorder that occurs after traveling across time zones.

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What is jet lag?

Most of us have experienced jet lag, but have you ever wondered what it actually is? 

Jet lag is a common, temporary sleep disorder that occurs after traveling across time zones. You experience jet lag when your body’s circadian rhythm (your 24-hour internal body clock) isn’t set to the new time zone.

Your circadian rhythm tells your body when to sleep and when to wake up. Environmental cues, like when the sun rises and sets, help set your internal clock. When you pass through several time zones, it can take your body a few days to adjust.

What are some symptoms of jet lag?

  • Trouble falling asleep or waking up
  • Fatigue during the day
  • Confusion
  • General feeling of not feeling well
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Stomach upset
  • Sore muscles

Minimize the effects of jet lag

Everyone experiences jet lag differently, but there are some common strategies that can help you lessen its effects.

Gradually adjust your schedule before you leave for your trip: A few days before you leave, go to bed and wake up an hour earlier or later than usual and wake up an hour earlier or later, depending on the direction of your travel.

Be well-rested before departure: Make sure to get a good night’s sleep before your departure  to minimize the impact of jet lag.

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. Avoid excess caffeine and alcohol which  can contribute to dehydration.

Avoid heavy meals before and during flight: Heavy meals can worsen the effects of jet lag. Choose light healthy meals and snacks, instead.

Get quality sleep on the plane: It can be difficult sometimes, but try to sleep on the plane – especially if you’re crossing multiple time zones and it is night time at your destination. Use an eye mask, ear plugs, and a travel pillow for greater comfort.

Stay active in the air: Do in-seat exercises and stretches to keep your blood flowing. When allowed, get up and walk around the cabin.

Use light to reset your clock: Light can help adjust your circadian rhythm. When you arrive at your destination, spend time outside in natural light during the day and avoid bright artificial light in the evening.

Limit napping when you arrive and stay awake until bedtime: Napping is the first thing you might want to do when you arrive, but don’t give in! Try to stay awake until the local bedtime. This will help you adjust to the new time zone more quickly.

Consider melatonin supplements: Melatonin can sometimes help reset your body clock when taken at the right time. Before using, consult with a healthcare professional to be sure it’s safe for you and you know the right way to use it for your situation.

Stay active at your destination: Light physical activity, such as walking or stretching, will help keep awake and alert during the day. Avoid strenuous exercise close to bedtime.

Give yourself time to adjust

It might take some time to get used to the new time zone. Be patient and let your body take a few days to fully adapt. Don’t schedule important meetings or activities immediately upon arrival.

The severity of jet lag varies from person to person. The number of time zones crossed, your sleep patterns, and your overall health all play a role. We hope these strategies help, but you may not be able to completely prevent jet lag. Consider consulting a healthcare professional for additional guidance if you experience severe symptoms that interfere with your plans.

Minimize jet lag as best you can to ensure you will experience your best trip!

Apps for managing jet lag

There are several apps available to help you manage jet lag. Here are are a few you might check out:

  • Timeshifter
  • StopJetLag
  • UpLift
  • Better Sleep



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